Sunday, January 6, 2013

If only Hollywood loved me back

Here goes nothing.

As of January 4th, 2013 I am officially a blogger... gross I know, but HEY you're here and I'm here so let's make the best of it!

Even Barbie isn't cute in the morning
Why am I writing a blog you say? Well... I work in an office and when you work a "desk job", it's easy to get distracted. Personally, I love being distracted.

My hopes for this blog are to give both you and myself yet another distraction throughout the work/school day.

What am I going to blog about? Well.. I have recently discovered my first actual "passion" in life. And no.. it doesn't involve a man, pet, or food.


Go ahead and judge me. But you're still reading, right?

Now those of you that know me are probably thinking --- "Kelly/Koolaid has never even been to Hollywood, let alone California". And that is factual. BUT, I'm not talking about the location.

I am talking about the world of Hollywood and everything it represents: Movies, TV, Music, and Celebrities.

I love to talk, read, and tweet about this stuff. Yes yes it very well could be the reason why I'm still single and spend more than half my time comparing myself to The Real Housewives of Atlanta. (I swear I was born an African American woman in a previous life)

And because of this "celebrity buzz passion" I've got... I have decided to show my first true love just how much I care about them. Like your first love, you gave it all you had (or all what you thought you had).

First loves... I'm going to assume the thought of your first love either made you smile with memories of the past or dry heave them onto floor in front of you.

And that's how I am going to look at this blog. I see one of two things going to happen here:

1. I commit to this blog


2. This becomes my one and only entry because I took an adderall this morning. (I'm really rooting for outcome number 1.) --- by the way I am a prescribed patient

Even though Hollywood is the base of this blog, every now and then I hope to vent about life. The other day Kendall Jenner tweeted -- "I live for deep talks and long walks."
I love this. I love nothing more than a conversation with depth. Talking about our feelings and burning a couple hundred calories at the same time.. now that's what I call a good time! Give me a few Budweisers and I'll want to be your new overly-intrusive best friend. Unfortunately Budweiser has 150 cals/bottle... I guess that calories thing is out the window.

Anyone listen to the rapper -- Childish Gambino? His real name is Donald Glover. If you don't listen to him, you should start. He is a creative-writing genius. His represents a perfect balance between wit and realness. On top of being one of the most underrated rappers "in the game"... he also co-writes for the TV show 30-Rock. (Produced and written by Tina Fey)

Below I posted a verse from his song -- "The Last"

"And this next part, sounds like nonsense
But I swear to God, Tina Fey gave me confidence
Taught me everything that is good comes from honesty
Everybody's got a voice, you just gotta follow it"

This part of his song is my favorite. Not only does it show Tina Fey really is that cool.. but it represents another reason I want to write this blog, As I write this I get to be 100% honest and a 100% me. Thing is, being honest is harder than people claim it to be. I think acting for yourself is one of the most difficult things for a person to do. But this is me trying.

Okay so anyways, here goes nothing with this blog. I'm going to go out on a limb and say some of you will make your jokes about my new hobby.. and that's fine. But do me a favor and go jump off a bridge!

I'm going to sign off now but I hope you tune in next time -- I'm thinking a dedication to Anne Hathaway


1 comment:

  1. I think your doing a good job,if this makes you happy or relaxes you then I say do it.Not a fan of some of the showes you were talking about Les Miserable is More But I like it keep up the Great work Kelly I was always proud when you sub. for Rosa
