Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My friend Anne

Here we are, round 2.

Does the name Jenna Ushkowitz sound familiar? Didn't think so.

Jenna plays the character Tina, on Glee.
Still not coming to you?... Well she's the Asian girl. That may help a little. Still have no idea who I'm talking about? That's okay just stick with me a tiny bit longer. There is a point to this I promise.

If she's lucky, the writers of Glee give Jenna/Tina one solo per season. But Tina doesn't get solo's because she is a bad singer. It's actually because the sole purpose of Rachel Berry/Lea Michele's existence on this planet is to serenade us with her heaven-sent esophagus. Fact.

Tina singing a solo in an episode of Glee is like subbing me in the game for Rosa LaMattina. Sure, Tina can hit a few high notes here and there but fans are really just waiting for Rosa to go back in the game.

I have a feeling I may have lost some of you with that rant, but the point is this ---> last week Tina tweeted --
"Anyone else vote that Anne Hathaway killed 2012?"

And for that tweet I had to show Tina/Jenna some love. (Glee Fans know she could use it) -- You can follow her on Twitter -- @JennaUshkowitz

So, did Anne Hathaway kill 2012?..

And do you know how many movies she was in last year? ... The answer to that question is 2.
The Dark Knight Rises and Les Miserables
(Not to mention Les Miserables came out 6 days before 2012 was over)

The Dark Knight Rises should go down as one of the best films of our time. If you didn't like that movie I would strongly urge you to paper-cut the webs between your fingers and toes. Not only was it EPIC... so were Anne Hathaway's freakishly cat-like legs.

The same "X-factor" qualities we love about Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone... we felt through Cat Woman's performance. Whether you're a girl or boy... if you walked out of the theater that night without some sort of crush on Anne Hathaway... you can go re-paper-cut the webs of your fingers and toes.

But let's go back to the beginning of AH's career.

The Princess Diaries came to theaters in 2001. I remember the following quote like it was yesterday... unfortunately I have ZERO recollection on who I heard it from, minor detail.
--"Anne Hathaway is the next Julia Roberts"

Have you ever noticed how many of the same actors are in The P-Diaries and Pretty Woman? That's because they were both directed by Gary Marshall. Crew-love I guess. Maybe he's the one I got that quote from?

I actually really enjoyed The Princess Diaries. It was a pleasantly-delightful film.
P.s. -- How could you not appreciate Mandy Moore playing the role of a fugly slut after her and Shane West shit on our hearts in A Walk To Remember?

Despite how awesome I think she is now, Anne and I didn't always see eye to eye. Problems for me arose when Anne decided to show us her boobs in Broke Back Mountain.

I actually still think I'm trying to recover.

I could handle watching Heath Ledger make Jake Gyllenhaal his bitch... but seeing (the only real Disney Princess I had ever known) so indecently exposed...  felt like it was going to scar me for life. Julia Roberts played the role of a prostitute and yet we didn't have to see her tits!

Call me old fashion, but these were real feelings people.

To go from tea parties with Julie Andrews, directly to motor boat rides with Jake Gyllenhaal is just not okay. (Little did we know she was going to go back at it with Jake in Love and Other Drugs..  but we'll talk about that later)

** Side note: --- A year later after filming Pretty Woman, Julia Roberts earned the role as Tinker Bell in the movie Hook. Now that's an impressive character transition.

Fast forward a few years and Anne knocks out a few redemption blockbusters:
-Devil Wears Prada
-Becoming Jane (one of my all time favorite movies)
-Bride Wars
-Alice in Wonderland
-Love and Other Drugs

Bride Wars is one of those movies I could watch ten times and it will never get old. I have the FX channel to thank for that. If you've only seen Bride Wars once or twice, you should watch it again. Some where between the 4th and 5th time watching it you realize how hilarious this movie really is. Not to mention after seeing How to lose a guy in 10 days, its nearly impossible to dislike Kate Hudson. The combination between Kate's cool personality and Anne's intriguing awkwardness made them a very like-able duo.

And then there was Love and Other Drugs. It's funny how things come full circle. I wanted to axe Anne out of my life for what she did to my child-eyes in Broke Back. And now she was going to do it again. Round 2 of indecent exposure with Jake Gyllenhaal.

But honestly, who didn't love that movie?
About 25 sex scenes later, Anne had officially found her MoJo. And we were feelin it.

After Love and Other Drugs followed The Dark Knight Rises.

Tom Hardy (Bane), Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Robin), and Anne Hathaway as Cat Woman... I don't think casting could have got any better. Tom Hardy is sexy to me even with a Hannibal Lector mask on his face. Hot damn.

Tom Hardy / Bane  -- Just let that soak in for a second.

When I look at AH I don't think I can picture a more uncoordinated human being. Besides maybe Josh Hutcherson (Peeta - from Hunger Games)

She shocked us all with her triple-jointed, cat-crawling, surprisingly bad-ass performance!
If Katniss and Catwoman were to go head to head in a death match... I'm not sure if either would come out alive. Catwoman has got the speed and stamina (living in a world with real food)... but Katniss has the heart and athleticism to shoot a bitch with a bow and arrow a mile down the road.

Did you see Les Miserables?
I would not recommend this movie to 99.9% of the men on this planet. But as for the remaining .01%, you will love it.

I don't think I'd recommend Les Mis to 90% of my friends either. This movie takes musicals to a whole new level. There is only one scene in the entire film where dialogue (that didn't include singing) took place.

But if you truly love musicals, get your butt to the theater. Though I suggest you bring a 5 hour energy shot.

Who knew Anne Hathaway could sing? And sing good. She is nominated for a Golden Globe in the following category --- BEST PERFORMANCE BY AN ACTRESS IN A SUPPORTING ROLE IN A MOTION PICTURE

She'll win. And then she'll win the Oscar a few months later in the same category.

So after all these years...

Is Anne Hathaway the next Julia Roberts?

I don't think you can compare the two. JR is that really cool aunt who let's you get drunk in her basement with your friends. And Anne is the awkwardly-quiet friend you had in high school.

A few years later that friend went to college, became obsessed with Greek Life, drinks like a fish, and is the life of the party to all her new friends.

And for that, we love her much more.

Congrats on a great year Anne, we left a seat open for you at the cool table.


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